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Road Trip to Anza Borrego

Road Trip to Anza Borrego This post is a few weeks out of sequence but just in case you haven’t browsed to the portfolio of the photos from the trip I’ll do it again here. Anza Borrego was new to Lisa and I. Inspired by friends who had made the trip and news coverage of the super bloom that was taking place, we made the commitment to hit the road. Having heard that the crowds of flower stompers were immense, we […]

Figueroa Mountain – Davy Brown Trail

After the Storm – A Walk Down Davy Brown Trail A very enjoyable hike into Davy Brown, just me and the camera. Enjoy! Hover over to change photos or even better, click to view larger photos. If you are interested in prints please contact me.

Storm on the Mountain

Storm on the Mountain A three day weekend at the cabin on Figueroa Mountain for some much needed rest and reset. And photography! It was an early bloom this year so most of the poppies are fading but the lupine bushes will be on our list to explore later this afternoon now that the sun is out. We arrived yesterday afternoon just ahead of a decent little rain storm. We listened to the rain on the cabin roof while stoking […]