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Gorgeous Light on the Mountain

Gorgeous Light on the Mountain Spent last Friday and Saturday with James at the cabin with Lisa joining us Saturday midday. It was windy and kinda cold at times dropping into the 30s at night. Though the flowers are done for the most part, the scenery and lighting were exquisite as always. There are a few photos where I used a nuetral density filter to be able to slow the shutter speed down in order to capture the effect of the […]

Sunrise at Silver Strand Beach

Sunrise at Silver Strand Beach Woke up before dawn this morning so headed to the beach for the sunrise before a storm due mid morning. Worth the trip.  Exquisite color and lighting. Enjoy the photographs! Hover over to change photos or even better, click to view larger photos a full screen slide show. If you are interested in prints please contact me.

Garden Flowers

Garden Flowers This spring has been extraordinary with providing so much color on our hills and deserts. The past few weeks, as our new landscaping in the back has been taking hold, the fresh blosums on some of the new plantings are popping and starting to create nice clusters of color. This morning at early light I took my camera with the macro lens attached to explore. One aspect of photography I love is that it brings my eye into the detail […]