After the Storm – A Walk Down Davy Brown Trail A very enjoyable hike into Davy Brown, just me and the camera. Enjoy! Hover over to change photos or even better, click to view larger photos. If you are interested in prints please contact me.
After the Storm – A Walk Down Davy Brown Trail A very enjoyable hike into Davy Brown, just me and the camera. Enjoy! Hover over to change photos or even better, click to view larger photos. If you are interested in prints please contact me.
Storm on the Mountain A three day weekend at the cabin on Figueroa Mountain for some much needed rest and reset. And photography! It was an early bloom this year so most of the poppies are fading but the lupine bushes will be on our list to explore later this afternoon now that the sun is out. We arrived yesterday afternoon just ahead of a decent little rain storm. We listened to the rain on the cabin roof while stoking […]
Long on my calendar was this past weekend at the 2016 Long Beach Grand Prix. My cabinet business has required most of my time lately so my opportunities for photography have been diminished. This was my first visit to the Long Beach Grand Prix. I am more a fan of Formula One and sports car racing than Indycar, though I couldn’t pass on the chance and loved that I didn’t need to get on a plane. I purchased what they […]
Last Friday evening, I had the privilege of attending and photographing a concert given by a unique and exceptional songwriting duo, Chris and Daya. The evening opened with the Steve McPeter’s Band playing a nice tight country set filled with good vibes that warmed the crowd for the main act. Daya followed with a solo set at the baby grand. Daya Rawat’s music has spanned many years and collaborations with John Adorney, Eduardo Del Signore and others. By the end of […]
No Camera, no Photographs! I am finding that when I have my camera along, even when it is not my intention to have a photography outing, that opportunities present themselves to capture something beautiful. This week Southern California got it’s first real taste of El Niño with successive storms. Photography wasn’t in the cards as I was focused on the cabinet business and staying dry. Heading out the door yesterday for a commitment in Malibu I decided at the last […]
Merry Christmas! We set the 1dx up on a desktop tripod with 24-70mm L is ii. Hooked it up to the Camranger so we could control it with an iPhone. The moon was a gorgeous surprise on our way to have Christmas eve dinner with good friends. Exposure settings: FL 24mm, 2.5 sec at f /16, ISO 100
I got to share the fun with Lisa on this outing! Lisa gets credit for the photographs beginning after the shot of her busy capturing an image. After consulting with the Ventura Audubon birding guide we decided to head over to the Santa Clara River Estuary, about 10 minutes from our home in Port Hueneme. The lighting was a bit marginal and pretty hazy but we were ready to be outside and looking forward to discovering a location new to […]
Photographing our feathered friends is becoming a real joy. I can begin to understand the passion for this that so many photographers enjoy. I was able to clear my desk to the point today that I saw an opportunity to head over to the wetlands and practice with the 500mm f4 L is ii. It was about an hour before sunset, which I am discovering is a call for many birds to head to the wetlands to roost for the […]
A solo trip to the cabin with Guaco and Mole. It’s always a magical time at our place on the mountain. A very quiet weekend without much in the way of wildlife and birds stirring about but there’s always the dogs enjoying a free frolic. I did get lucky with the end of the day view from the lookout and was able to capture the full dimension of it by layering three separate exposures. The sunsets are always prime in […]
I would usually be driving… but being busy I didn’t register in time. No worries, I grabbed my kit and headed over to photograph the day. I set up the 1dx with the 70-200mm f2.8 is ii with a 1.4 extender and a CLP filter as the intensity of the light into the sides of the cars, especially the light colored ones, needed to be toned down a bit. It was good panning practice though much easier when the cars […]